What is PALS?
PALS is an on-line, standards-based, continually updated resource bank of science performance assessment tasks indexed via the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and various other standards frameworks. Take the guided tour to become familiar with PALS.
About the tasks
The tasks, collected from numerous sources, include student directions and response forms, administration procedures, scoring rubrics, examples of student work, and technical quality data calculated from field testing.


What are assessment charts?
A matrix of related standards and tasks. Select standards to create a chart of tasks intended to test the standards, or select tasks to create a chart of standards addressed by those tasks. (See a sample chart.)

For more information
See our publications for more information on PALS. PALS is supported by a grant from the Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education (ESIE) Division (Grant #: ESI-9730651) of the National Science Foundation.

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